Laser Therapy
Laser therapy is a relatively new innovation in veterinary medicine, and this painless, drug-free treatment is available for your furry family member at Hometown Veterinary Hospital in Brandon, Mississippi. Laser therapy uses light energy that is absorbed in the tissue and cells of pet in treatment. When cells are stimulated using laser energy, adenosine triphosphate (ATP) is produced, which aids in the rebuilding of healthy cells.
Laser therapy decreases the healing time required for wounds, cuts, and abrasions. For example, incisions made during surgical procedures heal more quickly when lasers are used in the area. Injuries such as a bite from another animal, lick granulomas, and even fractures can be treated effectively with the therapy laser at Hometown Veterinary Hospital.
Pain management is another excellent application of our therapy laser. In the past, conditions such as osteoarthritis could only be treated with the use of medications such as NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs). Today, however, laser therapy is an excellent drug-free alternative that may provide relief without the use of drugs.
Our caring veterinarians travel throughout the country, attending conferences and lectures to ensure Hometown Veterinary Hospital offers only the safest and most advanced pet care available, such as our therapy laser. If your pet has a wound or painful condition and you would like to know if laser therapy would benefit them, call one of our compassionate team members and schedule an appointment today!